More details have emerged from Boko Haram leader Shekau‘s latest video. In the new video he is sending out a message to the Nigerian soldiers as well as the Nigerian government.
The video, which lasted for 36 minutes
in Arabic and Hausa, shows Shekau warning that there will be more
killings and attacks in the days to come. He boasted about the
ammunition his group has so far seized from the Nigerian army,
especially in Baga.
According to him the seized ammunition will be enough to start a war against Nigeria.
He also warned neighboring countries – Chad, Cameroon & Niger – of similar attacks.
In the video Shekau is standing in front
of three patrol jeeps mounted with anti-air assault guns was dressed in
his usual military khaki. He ended his speech by burning a Nigerian
flag, and replacing it with his group’s flag that had a black background
and white inscription.
He taunted the “kings of Africa” for
their failure to halt his campaign on Wednesday, boasting that his
fighters had “killed” the inhabitants of a Nigerian town.
“The kings of Africa – you are late! I challenge you to attack me even now: I’m ready,” Abubakar Shekau said.
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