I'm not an expert on depression, but I used to think depression comes from not being fulfilled in life. When there's something you desperately want for yourself and you're unable to achieve it or when you have it all and then you lose it or you lose a loved one, or your business/marriage fails..stuff like that. When I battled depression for a few months back in 2010 it was because I was so unfulfilled. My dreams weren't coming true, everything seemed hopeless and I just didn't know what else to do.. but I eventually got over it. I've been asking myself, why wasn't Robin Williams able to get over it?
Diff'rent Strokes star Todd Bridges took to Twitter last night to criticize Robin's suicide, calling it a 'selfish act'. Below is what he wrote
He's since taken the tweet down and apologized after he was bashed for the comments.'Suicide is a very selfish act. You don't think that my life has been hell and I've had so many ups and downs now. If I did that what am I showing my children that when it gets tough that's the way out? No you gotta buckle down ask God to help you. That's when prayer really comes into effect. Rest in peace Robin Williams I hope you found what you were looking for.' Continue
'I would like to apologize for the terrible timing of me comments that I made in reference to the untimely death of Robin Williams,' Bridges wrote. 'My best friend committed suicide a few months ago, and I was devastated to discover that he did not solicit my help.
Robin is my all-time favourite stand up comedian and definitely one of my most loved actors. I don't understand the world inside his head, I just wish he had been able to fight his demons. He battled depression and substance abuse for most of his career...and you wonder, why? He could make the world laugh but he couldn't find anything to live for? I don't understand. Can someone help the rest of us make sense of this?'I am sure that my attitude toward Williams's death was a delayed reaction of my best friend's death.'
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